Looking for Nursing Jobs?

Portrait of a group of medical practitioners standing together with their arms crossed in a hospital

The websites and information below are wonderful tools for investigating the nursing profession in Oregon.

Employment-Related Websites

Oregon Labor Market Information System – This wonderful service, provided by the Oregon Employment Department has two extremely helpful applications:

indeed.com – Enter your own search criteria to find employment opportunities in Oregon and beyond.  Best of all, your search criteria can be saved for repeat use!

Leading Age Oregon Career Section – Listings submitted by partner organizations, including community based care,  residential care and assisted living and retirement home settings.

Northwest Organization of Nurse Executives Career Center – Announcements for nursing leadership positions in the Pacific Northwest.

Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems – Visit OAHHS for a list and links to Oregon’s hospitals.

Oregon Employment Department – The Oregon Employment Department updates postings on a daily basis.  Check back often for information on opening nursing positions throughout Oregon

Oregon Health Care Association Career Page – Job listings for senior care and long term care facilitites.

Oregon Nurses Association Job Board – Oregon nursing positions.

Content shared from Oregon Center for Nursing’s website. Link to content