National Nurse Week

National Nurses Week is celebrated annually from May 6-12 ending on Florence Nightingale’s birthday. The American Nurses Association (ANA) first recognized the week in 1990, and in 1993, it became permanent. The week begins with “Nurses Light Up the Sky”, a campaign that involves taking photos of participating buildings in your city and sharing them on social media with the hashtag #NursesLightUpTheSky.

We celebrate the experience nurses bring and the impact they make. Sumner College is proud to honor Nurses Week. 
Sumner College is preparing nurses through every step of their journey. We understand and appreciate the unwavering dedication you show others every day, along with the compassion, commitment, and experience required to provide an advanced level of care that helps your patients and their families to thrive. Nurses Week is the perfect time for us to say thank you.